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Tuttle Creek

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This campground is open year round and offers 83 sites with access to some of the most impressive peaks in the Sierra Nevada Range, the Alabama Hills, and the Owens Valley and Inyo Mountains Range. Visitors can enjoy activities such as exploring, hiking, and sightseeing, with amenities such as vault toilets, picnic tables, fire rings, lantern holders, and a dump station. There is also a group site and two horse corrals available.

Open year round. $8/night, no reservations available for individual sites. 83 sites/tent and pull through trailer spaces. Campground is shadowed by some of the most impressive peaks in the Sierra Nevada Range: Mt. Whitney, Lone Pine Peak and Mt. Williamson rise to the west of the campground. To the east is the Alabama Hills with its famous movie history. Beyond the Alabama Hills is the Owens Valley and Inyo Mountains Range. Camping is good throughout the season with plenty of opportunities for exploring, hiking, sightseeing. Closest amenities (groceries, gas) are in Lone Pine (4.5 miles). Elevation - 5,120 ft. Amenities include vault toilets, picnic tables, fire rings and lantern holders. Water is available March-October. Dump station cost is $5.00, no passes accepted, closed in winter. One Group site for $30.00/night, reservations required, please see phone number above. Two horse corrals $10.00/night, call ahead to confirm availability.
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Nearby Campgrounds Distance Notification Rate
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Cold Springs (Ca)
Sequoia & Kings Canyon National Parks
28.1mi 85%
Goodale Creek
Alabama Hills
Atwell Mill
Sequoia & Kings Canyon National Parks
30.8mi 85%
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