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Corn Springs

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Corn Springs Campground is located in a canyon of the Chuckwalla Mountains and is a historical oasis site with ancient petroglyphs dating back 10,000 years. It was home to the Chemehuevi Indians who moved into California about 1,100 A.D. and is home to abundant wildlife, making it an important stop for migratory birds. Wheelchair accessible, it is a great destination for exploring nature and culture.

The Corn Springs Campground is located deep in a canyon of the Chuckwalla Mountains and has a $6.00 per night camping fee. Situated adjacent to a stand of California fan palms. This oasis supports abundant wildlife and is an important stopping place for migratory birds. Wheelchair accessible. Corn Springs was a major occupation site of prehistoric Native American Indian groups. The petroglyphs at Corn Springs are one of the finest examples of rock art in the Colorado Desert. They display a wide variety of elements and cover a long time span, with the earliest petroglyphs dating as far back as 10,000 years. In addition to being a route for Native American Indians moving east and west, Corn Springs was used by the Chemehuevi Indians who moved into California about 1,100 A.D. These Native American Indians lived in harmony with the desert ecosystem, utilizing many of the native plants.
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