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Crowley Lake Campground

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This campground offers stunning views of Crowley Lake and the Glass Mountains to the east. To the west is the Sierra Nevada mountains and McGee Mountain and Canyon. Popular activities include lake and stream fishing, boating, windsurfing, horseback riding, hiking, and wildlife viewing. Crowley Lake and the Town of Crowley Lake are approximately 2 miles away. The Town of Mammoth Lakes is approximately 10 miles away. Campground facilities were fully updated during the summer of 2012.
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Campground Matrix

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Nearby Campgrounds Distance Notification Rate
Mcgee Creek
Inyo National Forest
1.0mi 92%
Aspen Group (Inyo)
Inyo National Forest
4.4mi 85%
Convict Lake
Inyo National Forest
5.0mi 90%
French Camp
Inyo National Forest
5.0mi 91%
Inyo National Forest
5.7mi 90%
East Fork – Inyo National Forest (Ca)
Inyo National Forest
6.5mi 89%
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