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This campground offers twelve campsites with picnic tables, fire pits, and horse corrals, as well as ADA compliant vault toilets. It has some of the few shade trees in the monument, plus some of the original barn structures and corrals from when it was owned by the Kern County Land Company. Electricy and drinking water is not available, so please pack out any refuse.

Camping is available on a first come-first serve basis, we do not take reservations. Twelve campsites (two are elevated ADA compliant), with picnic tables, fire pits, horse corrals and ADA compliant vault toilet. Electricy and drinking water is not available. There is no garbage service, please act responsibly and pack out any refuse you have. It has some of the few shade trees on the monument. Formerly owned by the Kern County Land Company, the KCL still has a few of the original barn structures as well as some of the corrals. Please refrain from entering the barn structures.

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Nearby Campgrounds Distance Notification Rate
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37.0mi 79%
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