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Chimney Creek

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Chimney Creek Campground is nestled at 5,700 feet among pinyon pines, grey pines, and oaks and includes 36 sites with picnic tables and fire rings. Potable water is available in the summer, and there is access to the Pacific Crest Trail and the Chimney Creek Trail. It's the perfect spot for a summer getaway!

Chimney Creek Campground is located within Chimney Peak Recreation Area and is cherry stemmed out of Owens Peak Wilderness. The campground contains 36 sites and is nestled among beautiful pinyon pines, grey pines, and oaks along Chimney Creek at 5,700 feet in elevation. Each site in the campground has a picnic table and fire ring. Potable water is available during the summer months near the very end of the campground loop at site 36. During the summer, days can be warm and dry. The Pacific Crest National Scenic Trail crosses Canebrake Road just south of the campground. Chimney Creek Trail, a primitive route along Chimney Creek, starts at the cattle guard a half mile from the start of the campground road.
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