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Walker Pass

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Walker Pass Campground is located just off of CA State Highway 178, at the junction of Owens Peak and Cache Peak segments of the Pacific Crest Trail. At 5,000 feet in the Southern Sierras, this semi-arid setting features pinyon pines and a few Joshua trees, along with stunning views of the dry, rugged foothills. 11 walk-in sites are available for Pacific Crest Trail hikers while two sites are available for car camping with a picnic table, fire ring, hitching rack, and corral for horses. No potable water available.

Walker Pass Campround is located just off of California State Highway 178 and at the junction of the Owens Peak and Cache Peak segments of the Pacific Crest National Scenic Trail. Located at 5,000 feet, there are pinyon pines and a few Joshua trees in this semi-arid setting and outstanding views of the dry, rugged foothills of the Southern Sierras. The campround includes eleven walk in sites for Pacific Crest Trail hikers and tent campers. The camprgound also has two sites for car camping. All sites have a picnic table and fire ring. Hitching racks and corrals are available for horses. No potable water is available at this site.
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