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Colter Bay Tent Village

Grand Teton National Park

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The Colter Bay Tent Village is a beautiful campground located in Colter Bay Village. It consists of 66 tent cabins, and is open from mid-May to early-September. It is a popular campground so it is recommended to plan and book in advance.

The Colter Bay Tent Village at Colter Bay Village is set amidst towering lodgepole pines just a short, picturesque stroll away from Jackson Lake. The Tent Village includes 66 tent cabins, and is open from mid-May to early-September. As with all campgrounds in the park, the Colter Bay Tent Village is very popular and tends to fill up quickly. Visitors are strongly encouraged to plan and book early.
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Campground Matrix

Set alerts at more campgrounds to increase your odds of getting a place to stay! Below is a list of the closest campgrounds supported on Campflare. Or, view all campgrounds in Grand Teton National Park.

Nearby Campgrounds Distance Notification Rate
Colter Bay
Grand Teton National Park
0.3mi 94%
Colter Bay Rv Park
Grand Teton National Park
0.3mi 90%
Colter Bay Marina End Ties
Grand Teton National Park
0.4mi 94%
Signal Mountain
Grand Teton National Park
4.5mi 92%
Lizard Creek
Grand Teton National Park
7.4mi 91%
Jenny Lake
Grand Teton National Park
11.2mi 90%
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