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Hozomeen Campground is located at the north end of Ross Lake and is open from late May till October. It offers boat launches, pit toilets, potable water, picnic tables and fire grates, though Upper Loop campsites are currently closed due to hazard trees. All trash must be packed out.

Hozomeen Campground is located at the north end of Ross Lake and is open from late May through October. There is no camping fee, and all sites are first-come, first-served. Facilities include boat launches, pit toilets, potable water, picnic tables and fire grates. Guests must pack-out all trash. Campsites located in the Upper Loop are closed until further notice due to hazard trees.
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Campground Matrix

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Nearby Campgrounds Distance Notification Rate
Colonial Creek North
North Cascades National Park
20.5mi 85%
Colonial Creek South
North Cascades National Park
20.6mi 84%
North Cascades National Park
23.2mi 85%
Lower Goodell Group
North Cascades National Park
23.4mi 81%
Upper Goodell Group
North Cascades National Park
23.4mi 82%
Goodell Creek
North Cascades National Park
23.5mi 87%
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