At Snake Creek Campsites, visitors can experience the beauty of south-eastern park with Aspen groves, limestone cliffs and a scenic Snake Creek River. While there, guests can choose between four campsites including Monkey Rock, Squirrel Springs, Pinnacles and Eagle Peak. A short 0.5 mile hike from the parking lot will also lead to Shoshone and Johnson Lake trail sites.
Make yourself at home in the Snake Creek Campsites along the Snake Creek River, located on the south-eastern side of the park. These sites are nestled among Aspen groves and at the base of impressive limestone cliffs. Sites to choose from include, Monkey Rock, Squirrel Springs, Pinnacles, Eagle Peak. The Shoshone and Johnson Lake trail sites are a short 0.5 mile hike from the parking lot at the end of the Snake Creek Road.Set alerts at more campgrounds to increase your odds of getting a place to stay! Below is a list of the closest campgrounds supported on Campflare. Or, view all campgrounds in Great Basin National Park.
Nearby Campgrounds | Distance | Notification Rate |
Upper Lehman
Great Basin National Park
6.1mi | 69% |
Lower Lehman
Great Basin National Park
6.3mi | 66% |
Wheeler Peak
Great Basin National Park
6.6mi | 55% |
Timber Creek
Humboldt-Toiyabe National Forest Headquarters
38.5mi | 71% |
Bird Creek
Humboldt-Toiyabe National Forest Headquarters
43.0mi | 90% |
Ward Mtn. (Murray Summit)
Humboldt-Toiyabe National Forest Headquarters
43.2mi | 78% |