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Caprock Campground overlooks Lake Meredith and offers 10 RV sites with electric and water hookups, as well as picnic tables, shade shelters and grills. The campground also has restrooms with potable water, showers, and flush toilets, with pull-through parking available.

A caprock campground, overlooking Lake Meredith. 10 RV sites with electric and water hookups available. Reservations can be made by calling 806-865-3131. Picnic tables, shade shelters, and grills are available. Restrooms with potable water, showers, and flush toilets are available. Pull-through parking available.
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Campground Matrix

Set alerts at more campgrounds to increase your odds of getting a place to stay! Below is a list of the closest campgrounds supported on Campflare. Or, view all campgrounds in Lake Meredith National Recreation Area.

Nearby Campgrounds Distance Notification Rate
Cow Camp
Palo Duro Canyon State Park
36.2mi 88%
Cactus Camp
Palo Duro Canyon State Park
36.2mi 84%
Palo Duro Canyon State Park
36.2mi 68%
Palo Duro Canyon State Park
36.2mi 69%
Palo Duro Canyon State Park
36.2mi 70%
Fortress Cliff
Palo Duro Canyon State Park
36.2mi 87%
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