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The Flamingo Campground provides campers with great amenities, such as solar-heated showers, dump stations, picnic tables, grills, and even an amphitheater for Ranger programs. Additionally, guests can explore several hiking and canoe trails, as well as enjoy plentiful saltwater fishing opportunities.

The Flamingo campground is one of two drive-in campgrounds accessible from the Homestead entrance of the park. It offers solar-heated showers, two dump stations, picnic tables, grills, and an amphitheater for seasonal Ranger programs. Flamingo has several hiking trails and canoe trails, and opportunities for saltwater fishing are plentiful. Check at the visitor center for a daily schedule of Ranger guided programs.
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Campground Matrix

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Nearby Campgrounds Distance Notification Rate
Area Curry Hammock Sp
Curry Hammock State Park
27.5mi 79%
John Pennekamp Coral Reef State Park
John Pennekamp Coral Reef State Park
33.2mi 84%
Loop Ssc
Bahia Honda State Park
38.7mi 84%
Loop Bays
Bahia Honda State Park
38.9mi 84%
Loop Bayc
Bahia Honda State Park
39.0mi 86%
Loop Btwc
Bahia Honda State Park
39.3mi 84%
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