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Point Supreme Campground is located at 10,000 feet elevation, surrounded by meadows of wildflowers and offering 25 campsites to accommodate both tents and RVs. Camping is available from mid-June to mid-September, depending on favorable weather.

Point Supreme Campground is surrounded by meadows of wildflowers in the summer! At 10,000 feet elevation, it is a comfortable place to camp during the hotter summer months. The Point Supreme Campground has 25 campsites and accommodates both tents and RVs. Camping is available from mid-June to mid-September. Note that the campground opening and closing dates may be vary & are subject to favorable weather.
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Campground Matrix

Set alerts at more campgrounds to increase your odds of getting a place to stay! Below is a list of the closest campgrounds supported on Campflare. Or, view all campgrounds in Cedar Breaks National Monument.

Nearby Campgrounds Distance Notification Rate
Cedar Canyon
Dixie National Forest
4.2mi 71%
Deer Haven
Dixie National Forest
5.0mi 78%
Dixie National Forest
5.5mi 81%
Navajo Lake
Dixie National Forest
6.6mi 80%
Spruces (Dixie Nf)
Dixie National Forest
7.1mi 78%
Duck Creek
Dixie National Forest
10.3mi 71%
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