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Lava Point Campground

We're sorry, this campground is not currently available on Campflare. It may be first come first serve or closed. Click the link below for more info.
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This campground is typically open May through September, as weather allows. Situated at 7890 feet above sea level, it is off the Kolob Terrace Road, 25 miles (45 minutes) north of the town of Virgin. It takes approximately one hour and 20 minutes to drive to the campground from the South Entrance of Zion Canyon. There are 6 primitive campsites available first-come, first-served, pit toilets, and trash cans, but no water. Vehicles longer than 19 feet are not permitted. No charge.
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Campground Matrix

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Nearby Campgrounds Distance Notification Rate
South (Ut)
Zion National Park
12.9mi 80%
Zion National Park
13.1mi 92%
Deer Haven
Dixie National Forest
14.8mi 78%
Dixie National Forest
15.9mi 81%
Cedar Canyon
Dixie National Forest
16.0mi 71%
Pyramid Ridge
Cedar City Field Office
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