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Tail Race

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The Tail Race Campground offers adventurers a chance to explore the natural beauty of the Fontenelle Reservoir and Seedskadee National Wildlife Refuge. With three campsites, fire rings and a vault toilet, visitors will have the perfect setting to enjoy birding, fishing, or non-motorized water sports. This area was historically a gathering place for trappers, and its beauty and welcoming atmosphere still remain.

The Tail Race Campground features three campsites with fire rings and a vault toilet. This campground is wedged between Fontenelle Reservoir and Seedskadee National Wildlife Refuge, and so makes a fantastic site for birding, fishing, or non-motorized water sports. Historically, this area was a gathering place for trappers during their annual rendezvous, and the modern day explorer can still see the lure of such a rich and welcoming area.
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