
Pine National Scenic River Watercraft Permits (Huron Manistee)

Huron-Manistee National Forests


Welcome to the Wild and Scenic Pine River! The lower 26 miles of the Pine River was designated as a National Scenic River in 1992. Scenery is one of the most outstanding attributes of the river. The designated portion of the river contains a unique riparian landform with a deeply incised river channel and high, exposed, fragile sand banks. Dense vegetation contributes to the picturesque setting of the river. The river gradient offers the fastest average flow of any river in lower Michigan. Camping within the river corridor on National Forest lands is prohibited, except at Peterson Bridge Campground in the Huron-Manistee National Forests. Fees for using river access sites are charged under the Recreation Fee Enhancement Act.

Made with ❤️ in Mammoth Lakes
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