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Seneca Lake State Park

United States


Brochure InfoSeneca Lake State Park overlooks blue water, creating a relaxing experience for swimmers and picnickers. Children will be especially delighted with the Sprayground and Playground facilities. The Sprayground is the first of its kind built in the New York State Parks system with over 100 water jets that spontaneously spray water.Brochure Info - RecreationSeneca Lake State Park offers six pavilions for day use rentals.Brochure Info - Facilities and RestrictionsNeighboring the Sprayground is one of three playgrounds with equipment for children ages 4-12. This park also offers two excellent marinas, with a total of 132 electric slips and 84 non-electric slips. Transient slips available at both marinas. Pavilion rentals are also available. There is no camping permitted in Seneca Lake State Park.Key InfoPet Policy Dogs on a leash - not exceeding six feet in length. Not permitted in buildings, camping, bathing, and picnic areas except where needed as a seeing eye, guide dog (service dog). Proof of license, tags, and a valid rabies vaccination must be demonstrated. Please Note: Pets are not permitted at any facility in the Long Island Region.Important Information for Daily EntranceDirectionFollow GPSOther Phone NumbersSeneca Lake State Park - Office 100 Waterloo-Geneva Road Geneva, NY 14456 (315) 789-2331Season Date DescSeneca Lake State Park is open year-round. Vehicle entry fee collected from mid-May to mid-October. Restrooms available from May to October. Sprayground (weather permitting): 5/23/20 – 6/7/20: Weekends and Holidays only 6/13/20 – 9/7/20: Daily Dates and hours are subject to change. Visitors are strongly encouraged to contact the park office before your visit to confirm the swimming and sprayground schedule.Booking Window Product InfoFee Cancellation DescPlease read our Fees and Cancellation Policies The vehicle entry fee for Seneca Lake State Park is $7.00 per vehicle. The Empire Pass card is also accepted for vehicle entry.

Campgrounds inside Seneca Lake State Park

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Seneca Lake State Park
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