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Orient Beach State Park

United States


Brochure Info - OrientationOrient Beach State Park, located on the eastern tip of the north fork of Long Island, is a natural wonderland of waterfront with 45,000 feet of frontage on Gardiner's Bay and a rare maritime forest with red cedar, black-jack oak trees and prickly-pear cactus. Its natural beauty earned designation as a National Natural Landmark in 1980. Other natural attractions in the park include the salt water marsh and marine wildlife. Great Blue Herons, Egrets, Black Crowned Night Herons, and Osprey are common sights in the park, leading to its recognition as an Audubon Important Bird Area.Brochure Info - RecreationPatrons come to the park primarily for relaxing, picnicking, enjoying the peaceful outdoors, and various recreation activities. Visitors can swim in the bay, fish from shore, go kayaking, windsurfing, and stand-up paddle boarding, go hiking or biking, or walk a nature trail. The park has pavilions available for private parties and small refreshment stand. Programs and special events such as the Spring Egg Hunt and Holiday Tree Lighting, Bike-a-thons, and kayaking tours are held either by the park or in cooperation with partners like the Long Island Paddlers. A map of the kayak trails is available in the park office.Brochure Info - Facilities and RestrictionsNEW! Orient Beach is now a United States Light House Society Passport Stamp Location where patrons can view four lighthouses; Orient Point Lighthouse, Plum Island Lighthouse, Long Beach Bar Lighthouse and the Cedar Island Lighthouse as well as get their Lighthouse Passport Stamped.Key InfoPet Policy Dogs on a leash - not exceeding six feet in length. Not permitted in buildings, camping, bathing, and picnic areas except where needed as a seeing eye, guide dog (service dog). Proof of license, tags, and a valid rabies vaccination must be demonstrated. Please Note: Pets are not permitted at any facility in the Long Island Region.Important Information for Daily EntranceDirectionPlease use the address provided for GPS driving directions or call the park directly.Booking Window Product InfoFee Cancellation DescPlease read our Fees and Cancellation Policies

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Orient Beach State Park
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