
Brookville Lake

United States


Brochure InfoThe Brookville / Whitewater Complex has over 13,500 combined acres of land. In addition to the land - each property has a lake-Brookville Lake is approx 5260 acres and Whitewater Lake is approx 200 acres. There are many recreational opportunities available on the combined properties including camping, fishing, hunting, boating, hiking and swimming. Near to the park are Metamora Historic Site, 10 miles, and Kings Island Amusement Park, 65 miles.Key InfoThis campground is located at Brookville Lake in eastern Indiana, near the Ohio/Indiana state line. There is also a 'Mounds State Park' in Anderson, Indiana. Please be sure that you have selected the correct location. Important Information for Daily EntranceDirectionBrookville / Whitewater Complex is located on Highway 101 between Liberty and Brookville. From Indianapolis and Dayton take Interstate 70 to Exit 151, Hyw 27 S. Take Hyw 27 South to Liberty and Hyw 101 South. From Cincinnatti take Interstate 74 to Exit 169, Hyw 52 W. Take Hyw 52 W to Brookville and then Hyw 101 N.Booking Window Product InfoFee Cancellation DescIndiana DNR Reservation Policies

Campgrounds inside Brookville Lake

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