
Lake Waramaug State Park

United States


Brochure InfoScenically, few bodies of water in Connecticut can rival the picturesque setting of Lake Waramaug. When the vivid fall foliage is mirrored in the un-rippled lake surface, the park amazes sightseers and photographers. Countless water activities may be enjoyed in the park.Brochure Info - OrientationLake Waramaug State Park consists of 95 acres and is located in Kent, CT. Waramaug is the name of an Indian chief of the Wyantenock tribe who had hunting grounds near falls on the Housatonic River, now referred to as "Lover's Leap," in the town of New Milford. Chief Waramaug and his followers wintered in the area now covered by Lake Lillinonah, which was later created by damming the Housatonic, and made Lake Waramaug their summer residence. The land comprising the park, consisting of approximately 95 acres, was purchased by the state in 1920.Brochure Info - RecreationActivities in the park include camping, swimming, picnicking, fishing, car-top boating, scuba diving, field sports, hiking, ice skating, nature programs, and mountain biking.Brochure Info - Facilities and RestrictionsThere are 76 sites, in wooded and open settings, available in the Lake Waramaug Campground. Additional facilities include restrooms, showers, drinking water, a dumping station, picnic shelters, a concession,and gravel/grass parking.Brochure Info - Nearby AttractionsNearby state parks include Housatonic Meadows State Park, Kent Falls State Park, Macedonia Brook State Park, and Mt. Tom State Park.Key InfoYou can now make a reservation for the day before your arrival and up until 11 months in advance. For campsites, (excluding cabins) if you make your reservation within 3 days of your arrival you can book a 1 night stay. The maximum length of stay is fourteen consecutive days. If you have a 14 day reservation, all members of your camping party and your camping equipment must leave the park for 5 days before you can return. In an effort to protect Connecticut's forests from the introduction and spread of destructive insect pests - in particular the emerald ash borer and Asian long-horned beetle - the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection is taking the following action: Prohibiting the bringing of firewood into state of Connecticut campgrounds and state parks from other states. As an alternative, firewood can be either purchased at the camp stores within the state campgrounds or at local retail sellers of firewood. The Department of Energy and Environmental Protection greatly appreciates the public's assistance in helping to protect the state's natural resources and apologizes for any inconvenience this initiative may cause. PETS ARE NOT PERMITTED AT THIS CAMPGROUND. Additional information can be found at the following address. CT State Parks (DEEP) or Friends of Connecticut State Parks General Camping Information If you have any questions, please call 1-866-287-2757 or 1-866-CTPARKS. Explore the natural and cultural histories of Connecticut State Parks and Forests through inerpretation! Interpretive events are listed on the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection's website. Take a hike, meet a snake, learn about forest heroes, and more! Follow this link to the DEEP's Calendar of Events. Perform a "Keyword" search for this park/forest and then join a program. Additional programs may be offered, so be sure to check with the campground staff. For additional information please call the DEEP Division of State Parks at 860-424-3200. Find interpretive programs: Important Information for Daily EntranceDirectionFrom New Milford: Follow Route 202 to New Preston.Turn left onto Route 45. Take a left onto North Shore Road, and follow the signs around the lake to the park. From Torrington/Litchfield: Follow Route 118 to Litchfield. At the intersection of Routes 118 and 202 in Litchfield, bear left onto Route 202. Follow Route 202 to New Preston. Take a right onto Route 45, and then turn left onto North Shore Road. Continue around the lake to the park.Booking Window Product InfoFee Cancellation DescPlease read our Fees and Cancellation Policies

Campgrounds inside Lake Waramaug State Park

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