
Devil'S Hopyard

United States


Brochure InfoDevil's Hopyard's principle feature, Chapman Falls, drops more than sixty feet over a series of steps in a Scotland Schist stone formation. The water from the splash pool at the base of the falls, continuing as the Eight Mile River, flows through the park's hemlock-canopied picnic area, providing a tranquil setting for a family outing. Many myths surround the name of the park, including one about a man named Dibble, who grew hops for beer-brewing. Through usage, Dibble's Hopyard supposedly became Devil's Hopyard. Another tale says that the Devil passed by the falls and accidentally wet his tail. Furious, he burned holes in the stones with his hooves as he bounded away. Now, we know that the potholes near the falls, which are some of the finest examples of pothole stone formations in this section of the country, were formed by stones moved downstream by the current, trapped in an eddy where the stone was spun around, wearing a depression in the rock. When the rock wore itself down, another would catch in the same hole and enlarge it. Perfectly cylindrical, the potholes range from inches to several feet in diameter and depth.Brochure Info - OrientationIn 1919, the former State Park and Forest Commission obtained an 860-acre parcel located in the Millington section of Haddam. The site grew to 940 acres and is now known as Devil's Hopyard.Brochure Info - RecreationThe park offers some of the finest birding in the state, and fishermen find the clear, cool stream water an excellent source of brook trout. Additional activities at the park include picnicking, camping, hiking, and mountain biking.Brochure Info - Facilities and RestrictionsDevil's Hopyard Campground offers 21 campsites, available from mid-April through September 30th. Pedestal cooking grills, picnic shelters, picnic tables, and outhouses are also available.Brochure Info - Nearby AttractionsNearby state parks include Day Pond State Park, in Colchester, Gillette Castle State Park, in East Haddam, Haddam Meadows State Park, also in Haddam, and Rocky Neck State Park, in East Lyme.Key InfoPETS ARE NOT PERMITTED AT THIS CAMPGROUND. In an effort to protect Connecticut's forests from the introduction and spread of destructive insect pests - in particular the emerald ash borer and Asian long-horned beetle - the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection is taking the following action: Prohibiting the bringing of firewood into state of Connecticut campgrounds and state parks from other states. As an alternative, firewood can be either purchased at the camp stores within the state campgrounds or at local retail sellers of firewood. The Department of Energy and Environmental Protection greatly appreciates the public's assistance in helping to protect the state's natural resources and apologizes for any inconvenience this initiative may cause. Rocky Neck, American Legion and Macedonia are alternate family camping opportunities. The maximum length of stay is fourteen consecutive days. If you have a 14 day reservation, all members of your camping party and your camping equipment must leave the park for 5 days before you can return. Additional information can be found at the following address. CT State Parks (DEEP) or Friends of Connecticut State Parks General Camping Information Explore the natural and cultural histories of Connecticut State Parks and Forests through interpretation! Interpretive events are listed on the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection's website. Take a hike, meet a snake, learn about forest heroes, and more! Follow this link to the DEEP's Calendar of Events. Perform a "Keyword" search for this park/forest and then join a program. Additional programs may be offered, so be sure to check with the campground staff. For additional information please call the DEEP Division of State Parks at 860-424-3200. Find interpretive programs: Important Information for Daily EntranceDirectionFrom CT Route 9: Take Exit 7, turn left at the end of the exit ramp onto CT Route 154 north. Take a right at the first traffic light, and follow the signs. From Interstate 395: Take Exit 80 west. Take a right onto CT Route 82 west. Take a right onto Hopyard Road, and follow the signs. From I-91S: Take Exit 22. Take Route 9S, Exit 10. Take Route 9AS to Tylerville. Take Route 82E over the CT River for about 3 miles. At the stop sign, take a right, and then take an immediate left. Follow that road for approximately 8 miles, then follow the signs to the park.Booking Window Product InfoFee Cancellation DescPlease read our Fees and Cancellation Policies

Campgrounds inside Devil'S Hopyard

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Devil's Hopyard
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