
Quartz Lake State Recreation Area

United States


Brochure InfoQuartz Lake State Recreation Area is a 600 acre park which often attracts large crowds due to the variety of recreational opportunities available. The recreation area borders two lakes and has facilities adjacent to the lakes to accommodate these crowds. At Quartz Lake there are 16 campsites in the loop and 87 parking and camping sites in the parking lot development. Facilities also include two boat launches, picnic sites, a picnic shelter, a swimming area, a beach volleyball court, water, and toilets.Brochure Info - OrientationFishing is the primary attraction of Quartz Lake State Recreation Area. Quartz Lake has some of the best road accessible fishing in Interior Alaska. Each year more than 34,000 fish are harvested. Some of the best wildlife viewing in Quartz Lake State Recreation Area is at Lost Lake. Moose are common visitors to the lake. They are often seen feeding on aquatic plants. Also on Lost Lake are a pair of nesting swans. These, like the moose, are sometimes seen feeding on aquatic plants. There is also a beaver lodge near the lakeshore. Beavers are often seen hauling branches across the lake. These branches will become the winter food cache for the lodge. Hiking is becoming increasingly popular at Quartz Lake State Recreation Area. There are five hiking trails in the park for visitors to experience and enjoy. These trails offer extraordinary views of the Tanana River Valley, Alaska Range, Shaw Creek Flats, Quartz and Lost Lakes, and Moose Pond. The trails also offer opportunities for wildlife viewing.Brochure Info - RecreationFor travelers and locals alike, Quartz Lake State Recreation Area is a great place to visit. Recreational opportunities abound. Whether you enjoy the feel of a 20 inch rainbow trout on the line, the breathtaking view after a hike to Bluff Point, or sitting around the campfire with friends, these opportunities and more are available. Wildlife viewing, camping, picnicking, swimming, playing volleyball, and water skiing are also popular summertime activities. During the winter months popular activities include ice fishing, snowmachining, dog mushing, skijoring, and even staying at a rustic cabin when the temperatures can drop to well below zero.Brochure Info - Facilities and RestrictionsThere are two public use cabins in the Quartz Lake State Recreation Area. Quartz Lake Cabin is located on the upper edge of the parking lot development at Quartz Lake. Glatfelder Cabin is located a half mile from the parking lot development along the southwest shore of Quartz Lake and is accessible by boating or hiking in summer, and by snowmaching, skiing, snowshoeing, and skijoring in winter. Both cabins are available by reservation.Brochure Info - Nearby AttractionsRika's Roadhouse at Big Delta State Historical Park, 8 miles north of Delta JunctionKey InfoThe Alaska Department of Fish and Game stocks Quartz Lake annually with over 300,000 fingerling rainbow trout, and coho salmon. By the end of their three year life cycle, coho salmon can reach up to 13 inches in length. Rainbow trout reach up to 18 inches or more in five years. In 1980 a trophy rainbow trout was caught which weighed 8.3 pounds and measured 25.5 inches long. Quartz Lake is also stocked biennially with subcatchable-size Arctic char and catchable-size Chinook salmon. In order to avoid the plants growing in the water while fishing from shore, fish near the boat launches, from the fishing dock, or along the rocky shoreline. Your best bet is to use a small boat, canoe or float-tube. If you didn't bring a boat with you, don't worry. A commercial business operates a boat rental stand in the park.Important Information for Daily EntranceDirectionQuartz Lake State Recreation Area is ten miles north of Delta Junction and is reached by a three-mile road at mile 277.8 of the Richardson Hwy.Booking Window Product InfoFee Cancellation DescCancellations:Cancellations must be made at least 3 calendar days prior to arrival date for a full refund (does not include transaction/cancellation fees). Cancellations must be made through . You must cancel your reservations online, from your account. If you fail to cancel in a timely manner, or fail to use the facility for reasons other than the exceptions listed below, a refund is not available. Changes/Transfers: Changes/Transfers must be made 2 calendar days prior to your scheduled arrival date and incur a $3 change/transfer fee. Changes where the reservation is extended will not have an additional change fee. Refunds: Park Staff are not authorized to give cash refunds. Refunds for canceled reservations online will be made by issuing a credit to the card used for payment. Exceptions: If you were unable to use the facility due to events beyond your control, such as extreme weather/hazardous conditions (as determined by Alaska State Parks), or closure of a road, trail, or facility by the State, you may request a refund. Requests for refunds must be made within three (3) business days of the last date of your reservation to the Alaska Department of Natural Resources Public Information Center at 907-269-8400. Please provide your reservation number when you call. Extreme weather in the Northern Region is defined as Minus 30 F for the "Hunt Memorial", "North Fork", and "Chena River" Cabins; Minus 20 F for all other cabins and ice huts. In the event of a natural emergency or sudden campground/site closure, a full refund will be issued. The Division of Parks and Outdoor Recreation reserves the right to make the final determination of whether a refund will be issued.

Campgrounds inside Quartz Lake State Recreation Area

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