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Hueston Woods Small Group Camp

Hueston Woods State Park



Hueston Woods Small Group Camp


This campground is a part of Hueston Woods State Park. Hueston Woods State Park, located in Butler and Preble counties, is nearly 3,000 acres of natural resources for outdoor recreation, such as hiking, fishing, canoeing, and unique to this region -- fossil hunting. The park surrounds 625-acre Acton Lake, with 366 campsites, cabins, and a resort lodge to entice the overnight visitor.

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Nearby Campgrounds Distance Notification Rate
Hueston Woods Large Group Camp
Hueston Woods State Park
Hueston Woods Day Use
Hueston Woods State Park
Hueston Woods Camp Loops C To G
Hueston Woods State Park
Hueston Woods Camp Loops H To R
Hueston Woods State Park
Hueston Woods Camp Loops A And B
Hueston Woods State Park
0.7mi 89%
Hueston Woods Equestrian Camp
Hueston Woods State Park
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