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Killpecker Sand Dunes Open Play Area

Killpecker Sand Dunes Open Play Area

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The Killpecker Sand Dunes Open Play Area Campground is a non-fee and ADA accessible area located 32 miles from Rock Springs. It is part of the Greater Sand Dunes ACEC, where important resources such as wildlife, cultural, scenic and wilderness are protected. Recreation activities such as hiking, hunting and horseback riding are welcomed, but motorized vehicles and mechanical transportation are not permitted.

The Killpecker Sand Dunes Open Play Area Campground is located about 32 miles from Rock Springs. It is a non-fee area and is ADA accessible. It has a vault toilet and fire rings.

The Killpecker Sand Dunes Open Play Area is part of the Greater Sand Dunes Area of Critical Environmental Concern (ACEC). ACECs are areas within the public lands where special management attention is required to protect and prevent irreparable damage to important resources. Important resources in this area include wildlife, cultural, scenic, and wilderness. The western portion of the ACEC includes the Sand Dunes and Buffalo Hump Wilderness Study Areas (WSA). These are areas of land that have potential for inclusion in the National Wilderness Preservation System. The BLM is required by law to maintain the natural character of WSAs. Recreational activities like hiking, hunting, and horseback riding are allowed while those that involve the use of motorized vehicles or mechanical transportation are not.
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Nearby Campgrounds Distance Notification Rate
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