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Saddle Creek Campground is a small campground located on the rim of Hells Canyon at Hat Point Road. It offers 7 walk-in tent-only sites with views of Hells Canyon and the Seven Devils Mountains in Idaho. Unfortunately, the area has been heavily burned by wildfires so mature trees are scarce.

Saddle Creek Campground is a smaller site located on the rim of Hells Canyon along the Hat Point Road. With 7 walk-in tent-only sites, visitors can enjoy a remote campout or just picnic and look across Hells Canyon at the Seven Devils Mountains in Idaho. The area was heavily burned with wildfires in the past so shade and mature trees are scarce near the campground. 

Hells Canyon National Recreation Area

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Campground Matrix

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Nearby Campgrounds Distance Notification Rate
Wallowa Lake State Park
25.3mi 69%
Wallowa Lake State Park
25.3mi 71%
Wallowa Lake State Park
25.3mi 71%
Wallowa Lake State Park
25.3mi 72%
Wallowa Lake State Park
25.3mi 72%
Wallowa Lake State Park
25.3mi 73%
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