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The Uwharrie OHV trail system provides a range of terrain and scenery to explore, with all vehicles having to be "street legal" and a seasonal closure in effect. Helmets and eye protection are also required. Dispersed camping is allowed, however there are no hookups or water available on site, with a vault toilet being the only amenity.

The off-highway vehicle (OHV) trail system in the Uwharrie offers a variety of topography and scenery. All trails are designated for all off-highway vehicles and marked with orange diamonds. Stay on the designated trail system to help prevent soil erosion and creek sedimentation, which occur as a result of illegal trail use. FS roads cannot be used as trail connectors, but all vehicles operating on the road system must be "street legal" meaning that the vehicles are fully licensed, inspected and registered.  Persons violating these regulations will be fined according to the law. NCDOT approved helmets and eye protection are required. The trail system is subject to a seasonal closure during the winter months (from Dec. 15 - April 1) in order to prevent unacceptable soil erosion and stream sedimentation.  Trail passes are also required for all vehicles on the OHV trails.

Dispersed camping is allowed around this area. Also RV's and campers are allowed in the area, there are no hook ups or water available on site, but there is a vault toilet available.

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