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Meadow Lake Campground offers 10 campsites available on a first-come, first-serve basis and is located 35 miles north of New Castle. Facilities include picnic tables, fire grates, trash disposal, secure food storage, and a vault toilet. The area offers fishing, hunting, and OHV riding, and is located near the Meadow Lake Picnic Area and several non-motorized trails.

Meadow Lake Campground is located 35 miles north of New Castle via the Buford-New Castle Road (County/Forest Road 245). The campground offers 10 campsites, all of which are available on a first-come, first-serve basis. These campsites are suitable for tent camping and small trailers, with parking spurs of up to 16 feet in length.

Facilities at the campground include picnic tables, fire grates, trash disposal, secure food storage, and a vault toilet. The campground includes several handicap accessible sites. This is a fee use area.

Meadow Lake Campground is located just north of Meadow Lake. The campground is also a short distance from the Meadow Lake Picnic Area. The Picnic Area includes picnic tables, fire rings, a dock, boat launch, and restroom. The day use fee for the Picnic Area is waived for campground guests.

Meadow Lake itself is located in a popular area for fishing, hunting, and OHV riding. The campground also provides an easy staging area for accessing numerous non-motorized trails in the southwest Flat Tops.

Typical open season dates are May 28 to October 25.

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Campground Matrix

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18.2mi 73%
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