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Located between Oak Hill and Fayetteville, Cunard River Access offers five secluded camping sites along the river, with four shaded walk-in sites and one drive-in site for tents. A short drive upstream from the boat launch parking lot will take you to the site, where you can enjoy a peaceful stay in nature.

Take Gatewood Road to the Cunard turnoff, between Oak Hill and Fayetteville. Turn, then go 1.8 miles, then follow signs to Cunard River Access. Bear right through the boat launch parking lot and continue upstream for a mile. Sites are on the left. There are four shaded walk-in sites and one drive-in site for tents only.
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Campground Matrix

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Nearby Campgrounds Distance Notification Rate
Grandview Shelter 4
New River Gorge National Park & Preserve
Grandview Shelter 3
New River Gorge National Park & Preserve
Grandview Shelter 2
New River Gorge National Park & Preserve
Grandview Playground Shelter
New River Gorge National Park & Preserve
Battle Run
Summersville Lake
17.6mi 93%
Summersville Lake Shelters
Summersville Lake
Made with ❤️ in Mammoth Lakes
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