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The Dyea Campground is a quiet and restful spot located 9 miles from Skagway, nestled in the trees along the banks of the Taiya River. It is monitored by the National Park Service and is within a short drive or bike ride of the historic townsite of Dyea and a half mile from the Chilkoot Trailhead.

The Dyea Campground is located 9 miles from Skagway. Nestled in the trees along the banks of the Taiya River with limited amenities, the Dyea Campground is a restful place from busy town. The campground is within a short drive or bike ride of the historic townsite of Dyea and a half mile from the Chilkoot Trailhead. The campground is monitored by National Park Service rangers and is open when free of snow.
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Campground Matrix

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Nearby Campgrounds Distance Notification Rate
Laughton Glacier Cabin
Tongass National Forest
Chilkat State Park
Chilkat State Park
Berners Bay Cabin
Tongass National Forest
Point Bridget Cabins
Point Bridget State Park
St. James Bay State Marine Park
St. James Bay State Marine Park
Eagle Glacier Cabin
Tongass National Forest
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