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This campground is located in the Bullfrog developed area, run by Lake Powell Resorts & Marinas. There are 78 sites, restroom, phones and a dump station, as well as a potable water station and a ½ mile walk to a laundry, store, post office and launch ramp. The RV park is also run by the concessioner and has 24 sites, full hook-ups, restrooms and showers.

This campground is located in the Bullfrog developed area and is operated by Lake Powell Resorts & Marinas. 78 sites, restroom, phones, dump station, potable water station, ½ mile to laundry, store, post office, launch ramp. No reservations. Fees apply. The concessioner also operates a separate RV park with 24 sites, full hook-ups, restrooms, showers, and 1/2 mile to laundry, store, post office, launch ramp. For reservations visit www.lakepowell.com or call 800-528-6154. Fees apply.
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Campground Matrix

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Nearby Campgrounds Distance Notification Rate
Rosebud Atv
Fishlake National Forest
Escalante Petrified Forest State Park
Escalante Petrified Forest State Park
53.0mi 29%
Group Standard Overnight Use
Escalante Petrified Forest State Park
Fishlake National Forest
55.5mi 42%
Capitol Reef Np Group Campsite
Capitol Reef National Park
59.9mi 78%
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