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City of Rocks campground offers a unique blend of nature and adventure. With 64 standard campsites and 3 group sites, surrounded by stunning granite formations and native trees, visitors can spend their nights under the starry skies and venture out to explore the area's hiking and climbing trails.

Camping in City of Rocks is a great way to enjoy being out in nature. Relax beneath the cool shade of aspen, juniper, mountain mahogany, or pine. Spend the night surrounded by impressive granite formations and starry skies. There are 64 standard campsites and 3 group sites to choose from with easy access to climbing, hiking trails, and vistas.
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Campground Matrix

Set alerts at more campgrounds to increase your odds of getting a place to stay! Below is a list of the closest campgrounds supported on Campflare. Or, view all campgrounds in City Of Rocks National Reserve.

Nearby Campgrounds Distance Notification Rate
Castle Rocks
Castle Rocks State Park
2.6mi 67%
Castle Rocks Day Use
Castle Rocks State Park
Area 7
City Of Rocks National Reserve
3.9mi 81%
Area 1
City Of Rocks National Reserve
3.9mi 81%
Area 2
City Of Rocks National Reserve
3.9mi 84%
Area 3
City Of Rocks National Reserve
3.9mi 81%
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