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This campground is a tranquil, clean and undiscovered area surrounded by piñon and juniper trees. A few of its sites have a view of Quemado Lake, and it is split into family camping and group camping loops. It is an ideal spot for a peaceful camping experience.

This is a nice, quiet and clean campground nestled among piñon and juniper trees.

The camp sites are nestled among mature piñon and juniper trees. It is tranquil and undiscovered with a few sites having a view of Quemado Lake. The campground is comprised of a family camping loop (east side) and a group camping loop (west side). The dump station is open and the fee is $5.

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Campground Matrix

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Nearby Campgrounds Distance Notification Rate
Benny Creek Group Area
Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest
55.6mi 100%
Rainbow (Az)
Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest
55.7mi 78%
Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest
56.2mi 78%
Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest
56.3mi 71%
Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest
56.3mi 71%
Apache Trout
Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest
56.6mi 77%
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