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Cold Springs Campground is a small but popular campground located 16.5 miles outside of Yampa, Colorado, with views of Flat Tops Wilderness. It offers amenities such as vault toilet, potable water and picnic tables, and gives access to hiking trails and fishing spots. It is a prime area for outdoor activities and camping.

ABOUT: Cold Springs Campground is located approximately 16.5 miles outside of Yampa, Colorado with views of the Flat Tops Wilderness. This is a small, very popular campground with 5 campsites. The area accesses some great fishing and hiking, with a nearby boat launch at the Yamcolo Reservoir as well as 2 other reservoirs nearby.

AMENITIES: 1 vault toilet, potable water, and each campsite has a picnic table and fire grate. No electric or showers.

HIKING: This is a prime area as the campground is close to the Stillwater and Smith Lake Trailheads on Forest Service Rd 900. Paper trail guides for hiking as well as other information are available at the Yampa Ranger Station in downtown Yampa.

DIRECTIONS: From downtown Yampa, take County Road 7 just behind the local General Store, (Montgomery’s Grocery) for approximately 6 miles. The paved road turns into gravel where it becomes Forest Service Road 900. Cold Springs Campground is 16 miles on the right side after passing Bear Lake and Horseshoe Campgrounds.


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Nearby Campgrounds Distance Notification Rate
White River National Forest
16.3mi 81%
North Fork
White River National Forest
17.6mi 83%
Harding Spur
Stagecoach State Park
21.3mi 67%
Junction City
Stagecoach State Park
21.3mi 55%
Stagecoach State Park
Pinnacle City
Stagecoach State Park
21.3mi 71%
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