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Deerlodge Park Campground is a beautiful campground located 53 miles east of the Canyon Visitor Center, on the Yampa River. It offers seven shady sites with fire pits, tables, drinking water, and vault toilets. The campground is open year-round, although access may be limited due to snow in winter. It may also be closed at times when the Yampa River exceeds an 18,000 cfs flow rate.

Deerlodge Park Campground is located 53 miles (85 km) east of the Canyon Visitor Center. It is located on the Yampa River at the boat ramp at the head of Yampa Canyon. It has seven shady sites suitable for tents. The sites have tables and fire pits. There is drinking water and vault toilets available seasonally, but no showers. Deerlodge Park Campground is open year-round, but winter access can be very difficult due to snow. When the Yampa River exceeds an 18,000 cfs flow rate, the campground will flood.
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Campground Matrix

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Nearby Campgrounds Distance Notification Rate
Echo Park
Dinosaur National Monument
25.6mi 33%
Gates Of Lodore
Dinosaur National Monument
Rainbow Park
Dinosaur National Monument
Green River
Dinosaur National Monument
38.5mi 73%
Split Mountain Group
Dinosaur National Monument
38.9mi 90%
Bridge Hollow
Browns Park Recreation Area
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