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North River Campground

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This open area campground was originally constructed as a CCC camp. Evidence of the original sites and logging trails still remain today. North River Gorge is a popular hiking, biking, and fishing area with a swinging bridge spanning the North River. Close proximity to Wild Oak National Recreation Trail, Stanton Dam Day Use Area and Elkhorn Lake provide multiple recreational options that are easily accessible within a few miles.

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Campground Matrix

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Nearby Campgrounds Distance Notification Rate
Hone Quarry
George Washington & Jefferson National Forest
George Washington & Jefferson National Forest
Dundo Group
Shenandoah National Park
27.3mi 94%
Loft Mountain
Shenandoah National Park
29.8mi 83%
Sherando Lake Group Camp
George Washington & Jefferson National Forest
Sherando Lake Group Picnic Shelter
George Washington & Jefferson National Forest
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