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Potato Patch

Lassen National Forest

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Potato Patch Campground is a popular destination, surrounded by tall pine and fir trees and located by Deer Creek. It offers 32 designated sites, some of which are accessible for RVs or wheelchairs, with grills and tables provided. It's a great spot for trout fishing!

Potato Patch Campground is shaded by towering pines and firs and conveniently located along Deer Creek. Potato Patch Campground is a very popular spot for getting away from the valley heat.  A developed campground with 32 designated sites, there is a maximum of 8 people per site. Some sites equipped to accommodate RVs and/or are ADA accessible. Grills and tables are provided. Excellent trout fishing can be found all along Deer Creek.

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Campground Matrix

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Nearby Campgrounds Distance Notification Rate
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20.1mi 92%
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