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Wendover Campground offers a peaceful and serene spot for campers to enjoy fishing, hiking, and nature viewing amongst a mature moss-covered pine forest. The campground is located along the Wild and Scenic Lochsa River, and comes with 27 campsites, as well as a small stream, providing a perfect backdrop for relaxing and picnicking. Hosts are provided when the campground is open and can accommodate RV's up to 40-ft.

Wendover Campground is situated on stretch of land along the Wild and Scenic Lochsa River off the Northwest Passage Scenic Byway and All American Road (US Highway 12) at mile post 158.2.  With 27 campsites all positioned within a mature, moss covered pine forest and centered around a small stream, this campground offers a serene spot for camping, picnicking, fishing, hiking, nature viewing and most importantly, relaxing.  Hosts are provided when campground is open.


The Campground will accomodate RV's up to 40-ft.

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