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This primitive campground is located in a remote region of the foothills where oaks and evergreens meet, with trails to Garfield Grove and Ladybug. However, amenities such as potable water are not available and other park features are over an hour away.

This small, primitive campground is situated in a remote area of the foothills on the South Fork of the Kaweah River at the transition from oaks to evergreens. Two trails leave from a trailhead nearby: the Garfield Grove and Ladybug trails. Other park features are over an hour's drive away. There is no potable water here.
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Campground Matrix

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Nearby Campgrounds Distance Notification Rate
Mountain Home Guard Station Cabin
Sequoia National Forest
8.9mi 92%
Atwell Mill
Sequoia & Kings Canyon National Parks
9.6mi 85%
Horse Creek
Kaweah Lake
10.9mi 47%
Cold Springs (Ca)
Sequoia & Kings Canyon National Parks
11.1mi 85%
Sequoia & Kings Canyon National Parks
11.7mi 95%
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