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Bowns Campground, located between Featherville and Fairfield, offers 10 developed camp sites with picnic tables, fire rings, and restrooms. It is a great spot for camping, fishing, hiking, and picnicking. It also hosts the start of the Miller Creek Trail (#087), which allows motorcycles.

Bowns Campground, located 25 miles east of Featherville and 18 miles north of Fairfield, is a developed campground composed of 10 units along Big Smoky Creek. Two of the camp sites are double family units.  Camping, fishing, hiking, and picnicking are popular activities. Campground amenities include picnic tables, fire rings, drinking water (seasonally) and restrooms. Miller Creek Trail (#087) starts just south of the campground and is open to motorcycles.

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Nearby Campgrounds Distance Notification Rate
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21.6mi 80%
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