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Matchless Campground is located on the eastern shore of Turquoise Lake, offering amenities such as restrooms, potable water, picnic tables, fire rings and firewood available at the host site. It is popular for recreational vehicles, with moderate usage during weekdays and heavy on weekends. Named after a silver mine in Leadville, it's situated at 10,000 feet so visitors should be aware of altitude sickness.

Located on the eastern shore of Turquoise Lake, Matchless Campground is a non-reservable camprground that accomodates larger recreational vehicles. Facilities include restrooms, potable water, picnic tables, and fire rings. This campground is adjacent to the boat ramp and parking areas. Firewood is available at the host site. During weekdays, usage is moderate, but heavy on weekends.

It is named after one of the profitable silver mines in Leadville that made Horace A.W. Tabor one of the riches men in America.

High altitude sickness may occur at 10,000 feet.
Please click on the link for Turquoise Lake Campground maps.
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