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Elbert Creek


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Elbert Creek Campground is a popular spot for hikers located off Halfmoon Road near the Mount Elbert and Mount Massive Trailheads at 10,000 feet. Facilities include picnic tables, fire rings, vault toilets and potable water. Visitors should be aware of the potential for high altitude sickness.

Located off the Halfmoon Road (FSR 110), Elbert Creek is a first-come, first-served campground adjacent to the Mount Elbert and Mount Massive Trailheads at 10,000 feet. This is a very popular campground for hikers. Facilities include picnic tables, fire rings, vault toilets, and potable water.

High altitude sickness may occur at this altitude.

Please click on the link for a general map of the Halfmoon Creek Campgrounds.

ALERT: The Mt. Elbert Campground is currently closed due to road work on FSR 110.

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Nearby Campgrounds Distance Notification Rate
Halfmoon West
0.9mi 79%
Halfmoon East
1.0mi 82%
4.6mi 84%
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5.0mi 83%
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5.9mi 89%
Parry Peak
5.9mi 84%
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