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This campground is a small, three site tent-only campground surrounded by a stand of old growth Douglas-fir trees. It also has an easy 500' loop trail with springs and interpretive signs that explain the history of the local area. Additionally, it is accessible to equestrians, hikers, and off-road cyclists that are looking to access the Middle Fork Trail.

This small, three site tent-only campground is surrounded by a fine stand of old growth Douglas-fir.

The springs for which the camp was named originates nearby along an easy, 500' round trip loop trail. Additionally, interpretive signs explain the role of the historic Oregon Central Military Wagon Road (a portion passes near the campground) and the role of the Bull trout in the regional watershed ecosystem. Equestrians, hikers,and off-road cyclists can easily access the Middle Fork Trail across Forest Road 21.

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Nearby Campgrounds Distance Notification Rate
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Sand Prairie
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11.8mi 82%
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