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This charming tent-only campground is the perfect escape for nature lovers, located in close proximity to the Bull of the Woods and Opal Creek Wildernesses. Every July, the meadows are covered with a beautiful array of wildflowers, while campers can enjoy a peaceful paddle or swim in the non-motorized lake. Stunning views of Cascade peaks can be enjoyed during a leisurely hike.

This 17 site tent-only campground, located adjacent to the Bull of the Woods and Opal Creek Wildernesses, is full of beauty in the summer. Wildflowers are a beautiful sight in the campground's meadows around July.  Swim or paddle in the quiet waters of the non-motorized lake, go for a great hike with views of multiple Cascade peaks, or just kick back and relax in the campground.

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Campground Matrix

Set alerts at more campgrounds to increase your odds of getting a place to stay! Below is a list of the closest campgrounds supported on Campflare. Or, view all campgrounds in Willamette National Forest.

Nearby Campgrounds Distance Notification Rate
Willamette National Forest
4.4mi 85%
Fox Creek Group Camp
Willamette National Forest
4.7mi 78%
Cleator Bend
Willamette National Forest
7.0mi 89%
Detroit Lake State Recreation Area
7.0mi 69%
Detroit Lake State Recreation Area
7.0mi 58%
Detroit Lake State Recreation Area
7.0mi 69%
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