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Obsidian Campground offers a peaceful escape in the shade of aspens and pines near Molybdenite Creek and Little Walker River. The river is stocked with trout, and various trailheads provide several exciting hikes such as a loop from Burt Canyon and a steep hike to Emma Lake. Open late May to mid October.

Obsidian Campground offers opportunity to get away from crowds amidst shade of aspens and pines. Campground is close to Molybdenite Creek and Little Walker River. The river is stocked with trout. Area trailheads offer several interesting hikes. The trail from Molybdenite Creek trailhead splits, with one branch heading south into the Hoover Wilderness, and one looping north along Wheeler Creek to connect with the trail along the Little Walker River. This can be hiked as a loop from Burt Canyon trailhead (just west of campground). The Emma Lake trailhead leads to a short but steep hike to Emma Lake on the shores of Mount Emma.

Generally open in late May to mid October, weather and condition permitting.

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Nearby Campgrounds Distance Notification Rate
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10.7mi 73%
Lower Twin Lakes At Bridgeport
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10.9mi 65%
Humboldt-Toiyabe National Forest Headquarters
11.8mi 66%
Green Creek Group
Humboldt-Toiyabe National Forest Headquarters
16.1mi 58%
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