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Corral Canyon Campground is a secluded camping spot located off the I-8, with 20 sites available and OHV use allowed with a Green Sticker. It offers stunning views of chaparral and desert for miles, as well as access to a variety of trails within the greater Corral Canyon OHV Area. However, campers should note that there is no potable water in the campground.

Corral Canyon Campground

Trail Views




1.2 miles with connecting options


Campfires are not allowed when elevated fire restrictions are in effect. Please see our current fire restrictions page for more details.


Adventure Pass Required

Hike/Ride Time

Half day


Easy to Moderate

Best Seasons

Spring, Winter


Off the I-8 at Buckman Springs Rd. Turn right on Buckman Springs rd. to Morena Stokes Valley rd, travel 10 miles to reach Four Corners Staging area and continue to the campground

Ranger District

Descanso Ranger District - (619) 445-6235


Corral Canyon Campground is located within the Corral Canyon OHV Area and provides a secluded camping opportunity for those using the surrounding trails. Campsites are nestled amongst an Oak grove with views of chaparral and desert for miles. Trails can be accessed from just outside of the campground, linking many to the greater OHV Area for more options. Each parking sport was designed to accommodate vehicles towing up to 27ft. trailers.

20 sites are available and OHV use is allowed with a Green Sticker (required). Please note that there is no potable water in the campground or within the local Corral Canyon and Bear Valley area.


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13.8mi 71%
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