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Valle Vidal elk/bear country is a great destination for hunting, hiking, and fishing, located 5 miles northeast of Cimarron on Highway 64. It is a total of 28 miles from the Unit Boundary to the campground, where Forest Service road 1950 requires a four wheel drive vehicle to navigate the graveled roads in the rainy season.

These 55 sites in Valle Vidal elk/bear country are a great hunting, hiking, fishing destination.

From the town of Cimarron, drive 5 miles northeast on Highway 64 to Cerrososo Canyon. Follow this canyon approximately 21 miles to the Valle Vidal Unit Boundary. The route is marked by signs. From the boundary, travel 7 miles on Forest Service Road 1950. These graveled roads are not maintained during the rainy season and may be passable only with a four wheel drive vehicle.

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Campground Matrix

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Nearby Campgrounds Distance Notification Rate
Tolby Non-Electric Camground
Cimarron Canyon
Maverick Non-Electric
Cimarron Canyon
Ponderosa Non-Electric
Cimarron Canyon
Eagle Nest Lake
Fawn Lakes
Carson National Forest
19.0mi 50%
Elephant Rock
Carson National Forest
19.2mi 45%
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