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The Spring Bar Campground is situated on the Salmon River, with 18 tent campsites equipped with a table and fire ring. It offers visitors the chance to go swimming, fishing, berry picking and exploring in the surrounding area. It's also next to wheel-chair accessible picnic facilities and across the river from Riggins Hot Springs.

A popular take-out point for floaters of the Salmon River, the Spring Bar Campground offers a boat launching ramp and 18 tent campsites. A table and fire ring are provided at all but two of the sites. Spring Bar is situated next to a relatively flat part of the Salmon River with the south end nestled in the shade of various fruit bearing trees. The surrounding area also provides for fishing, swimming, berry picking, and exploring. Wheelchair accessible picnic facilities are available at Allison Creek, to the west, and Riggins Hot Springs (not public lands) are across the river just west of the campground. No trailer hookups or RV dumps provided.

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