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This campground along Highway 21 provides five campsites with fire rings and picnic tables in a wooded setting, with a small creek running through. There is a vault toilet available, but no drinking water. The campground can accommodate motorhomes and trailers up to 32 feet in length, but there are no hookups.

A nice campground along Highway 21 in the trees with a small creek running through. Campground has 5 campsites with picnic tables and fire rings with cooking grills. The campground amemities include a vault toilet. No drinking water is available and the campground is limited to trailers and motorhomes up to 32 feet long; there are no hookups within the campground.

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Campground Matrix

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Nearby Campgrounds Distance Notification Rate
Cape Horn Winter Rental
Salmon-Challis National Forest
Trap Creek
Sawtooth National Forest
6.8mi 80%
Sheep Trail
Sawtooth National Forest
8.5mi 79%
Elk Creek (Sawtooth Nf)
Sawtooth National Forest
10.1mi 78%
Elk Creek Cabins
Boise National Forest
Stanley Lake
Sawtooth National Forest
10.8mi 83%
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