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This campground offers 10 campsites located by some of the best fishing holes on the Klamath River and streams, with potable water, one vault toilet, and a chance to meet other fishing enthusiasts. It is a perfect spot for fishing enthusiasts to relax, catch some fish and swap stories.

A popular spot for fishing enthusiasts alike, this small campground offers 10 campsites for those desiring to stay at a prime location to get their catch. It is conveniently located by some of the best fishing holes on the Klamath River and nearby streams. It offers potable water, one vault toilet and a variety visitors to chat and swap fishing stories with in the later part of summer and fall.

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Campground Matrix

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Nearby Campgrounds Distance Notification Rate
Pearch Creek
Six Rivers National Forest
8.9mi 60%
Oak Bottom
Six Rivers National Forest
14.7mi 64%
Nordheimer Group Sites
Six Rivers National Forest
16.0mi 86%
Boise Creek
Six Rivers National Forest
20.0mi 41%
Meadow Cabin Colony
Prairie Creek Redwoods Sp Elk Prairie Campground
20.8mi 71%
Elk Prairie (Sites 1-75)
Prairie Creek Redwoods Sp Elk Prairie Campground
21.0mi 76%
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