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North Fork Campground is a remote campground located on the North Fork of the Smith River that is popular for four-wheel-drive groups, rafting and wildflowers. The area is known for its dramatic steep and rocky landscape and its sparse vegetation due to the serpentine soil. Access to the river is available nearby for some nice pools and shoreline views.

North Fork Campground is a quiet, semi-shaded, remote campground bordered by the North Fork of the Smith River. This is a perfect place to “get away from it all” and to stay before rafting the Wild North Fork. The campground is also popular with four-wheel-drive groups who enjoy driving the jeep trails and back roads of the area.

The landscape surrounding the campground is dramatically steep and rocky. The vegetation is sparse due to the serpentine soil which stunts plant growth. The Biscuit Fire swept through the area in 2002, burning much of the vegetation in the surrounding area.

Spring and early summer bring beautiful wildflowers to the area including the fragrant western azalea and beautiful blue brodiaeas. The campground is within the North Fork Smith River botanical area, which harbors many rare plants adapted to the serpentine soil.

Access to the North Fork of the Smith River is ¼ mile west of the campground at the North Fork river access (also known as Brown's Flat and Major Moore's). There are some nice pools but the water is very chilly and the shoreline is very cobbled except for a small patch of sand at the upstream end. It is a good place to sit on a rock and soak your feet on a hot day.

Click on the "Photos and Multimedia" link on the right sidebar to view a photo of the North Fork river access.

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Nearby Campgrounds Distance Notification Rate
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Redwoods Cabin Area
Jedediah Smith Redwoods State Park
13.9mi 70%
Outer Loop (Sites 45-60, 76-91)
Jedediah Smith Redwoods State Park
14.1mi 73%
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