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Hancock Campground is a great place to begin exploring the White Mountains. It is located at the western end of the Kancamagus Highway and is surrounded by the Pemigewasset Wilderness, making it the perfect spot for hiking and picnicking. Lincoln, near the campground, provides various amenities for visitors.

​Located at the western end of the scenic Kancamagus Highway, this campground serves as an excellent place to start your White Mountain adventure. The nearby Lincoln Woods Visitor Center is the jumping off point for numerous hiking trails leading into the Pemigewasset Wilderness; the Kancamagus Highway is an extremely popular scenic byway with numerous hiking, picnic, and swimming spots; and the town of Lincoln offers many amenities. Hancock Campground has 56 wooded sites.

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Campground Matrix

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Nearby Campgrounds Distance Notification Rate
Russell Pond
White Mountain National Forest
4.7mi 63%
Lafayette Place
Lafayette Place Campground
7.1mi 75%
Lafayette Place Campground
7.1mi 73%
Osceola Vista
White Mountain National Forest
7.3mi 57%
Cannon Mountain Rv Park
Cannon Mountain Rv Park
White Mountain National Forest
9.4mi 56%
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